13.01.2015 r. - Vlog news
Marcin rzecze

I am sorry for not visiting this place for a long time. I have been busy on Facebook, as you might know. Recently I started a new Vlog project. Please, visit my blog to see the results. Cheers.

15.08.2014 r. - Interviews
Marcin rzecze

Some time ago we talked with Mirosław "Tycjan" Gucwa on the "Gamedec" Board Game. Here you can read the whole interview. I also talked to Mikołaj Dusiński on cdp.pl blog. The interview was so long, it had to be cut in half. Here you can find the first and the second part.

14.08.2014 r. - Board Game reviews summary
Marcin rzecze

Let's sum up the videoreviews of the "Gamedec" Board Game. GildiaTwój Ruchintroduction by Game Troll, Review by Game Troll, Gameplay by Twój Ruch, Unboxing - Z Kartonu, and here is a videopresentation of the rules of the game.

13.08.2014 r. - "Gamedec" Board Game rewievs
Marcin rzecze

It is time to sum up the reviews of the "Gamedec" Board Game. Oblicza Kultury, Ogry Planszowe , Board Times, Znad Planszy , PoltergeistDzika Banda, Katedra / Ględzenie Shadowathe sesond review in Znad Planszy. I hope I did not forget about anything...

12.08.2014 r. - CEO Slayer in Krzysztof Woźniak's eyes
Marcin rzecze

If you don't like reading reviews, here you can watch one. Krzysztof Woźniak talks about "CEO Slayer".

11.08.2014 r. - Review by Marek Oramus
Marcin rzecze

It is not a common thing that a book of a younger writer is reviewed by an older, legendary master, whos books the younger one read as a teenager. This time it happened. Marek Oramus read and reviewed "CEO Slayer".

10.08.2014 r. - Missing reviews
Marcin rzecze

Well, there is much missing news. Please, accept my apologies. I will try to make it up. For the start - CEO Slayer reviews. QfantFantastak.s.i.ą.ż.k.aMK CzytujeDzika BandaZaginiony AlmanachCo przeczytać?, FahrentheitNie samą pracą... These are the most important, I think. There were also two interviews. On Dzika Banda website I talked to Paweł Deptuch, and on MK Czytuje blog we talked with Marta Kor. 

20.03.2014 r. - Pyrkon 2014
Marcin rzecze

I will visit Pyrkon this year. Here's what I'll do:


16:30 - [Discussion] Love has many names - especially in fantasy - Aula 2 - Literacka room

17:30 - [Discussion] Self-publishing - should writers publish temselves? - Literacka room 2 

20:00 - The shape of reality - Literacka room 1 


13:30 - Horyzonty Zdarzeń (Event Horizons) - Literacka room 2 

20:30 - [Discussion] Writers and internet - Aula 2 - Literacka room

22:30 - Gender and cooking - Aula 2 - Literacka room 


10:00 - [Discussion] Visions of economy - Literacka room 1 

12:00 - [Discussion] Is a nove-based movie supposed to be fidel? - Scene


Should somebody be curious, during "Horyzonty zdarzeń" (Event Horizons) event, a new s-f series of Rebis publishing house will be presented. There you will be able to see my new novel, "CEO Slayer". Cheers.

CEO Slayer

11.09.2013 r. - The second game review
Marcin rzecze

On "Gry bez prądu" website you can read a huge review of the "Gamedec" board game. Enjoy!

09.09.2013 r. - The first "Gamedec" the board game review!
Marcin rzecze

On Ogry Planszowe website you can read the first review of "Gamedec" board game. Enjoy :).

Grafika: Marcin Przybyłek, Marcin Jakubowski, Marek Okoń, Robert Letkiewicz.
Wykorzystano grafiki Tomasza Piorunowskiego, Marcina Trojanowskiego i Tomasza Marońskiego.
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